Happy New Year...
2025 started out with a terrorist attack in New Orleans on Burbon Street and then one in Las Vegas in front of the Trump Towers. We were reminded of how vulnerable we can be to a terrorist attack. My heart and prayers go out to the victims of these attacks. As with every horrific attack, the victims are remembered, and tears are shed by the people from their families and friends. In the aftermath, we hear about what we can do to prevent future attacks. To add to the sadness of the past two weeks, Jimmy Carter our 39th President passed away at 100 years old. While we have heard the reaction of many people who had the privilege to know him, I will say that he was one of the great humanitarians of our time.
Now that the New Year has been rung in, I would like to celebrate some of the accomplishments made on both a personal and community level. On a personal level, I will be getting ready to publish my first of two novels. I have a first draft on Billy and Me Grady Lawton is interviewed by Ellis Wisely concerning a hitchhiker Grady picked up in 1947 who claimed to be a member of the Regulators during the Lincoln County Wars of 1881. There are those who have postulated that the hitchhiker was really Billy the Kid. My second book is entitled "The Woman Who Made Tin Faces" about Mindy LaFleur who paints masks for former soldiers of the French Army whose faces have been disfigured by the Great War. I will announce the details as I put these novels in order. Meanwhile, I am published four stories on this blog. So, open them up and enjoy the read. All of these stories have been accepted on Reedsy's blog as I now have two years (104 stories total) that have been accepted by Reedsy.
Hope you have had a good New Year's where you have good things happen in 2025. Let's not forget those who were taken from us in the past year. One final note: I did publish "Minor Chords" in my last blog and in publishing this edition, I kept it in the mix. If you haven't read it, now's your chance. Stay safe and may 2025 be your year!
2025 started out with a terrorist attack in New Orleans on Burbon Street and then one in Las Vegas in front of the Trump Towers. We were reminded of how vulnerable we can be to a terrorist attack. My heart and prayers go out to the victims of these attacks. As with every horrific attack, the victims are remembered, and tears are shed by the people from their families and friends. In the aftermath, we hear about what we can do to prevent future attacks. To add to the sadness of the past two weeks, Jimmy Carter our 39th President passed away at 100 years old. While we have heard the reaction of many people who had the privilege to know him, I will say that he was one of the great humanitarians of our time.
Now that the New Year has been rung in, I would like to celebrate some of the accomplishments made on both a personal and community level. On a personal level, I will be getting ready to publish my first of two novels. I have a first draft on Billy and Me Grady Lawton is interviewed by Ellis Wisely concerning a hitchhiker Grady picked up in 1947 who claimed to be a member of the Regulators during the Lincoln County Wars of 1881. There are those who have postulated that the hitchhiker was really Billy the Kid. My second book is entitled "The Woman Who Made Tin Faces" about Mindy LaFleur who paints masks for former soldiers of the French Army whose faces have been disfigured by the Great War. I will announce the details as I put these novels in order. Meanwhile, I am published four stories on this blog. So, open them up and enjoy the read. All of these stories have been accepted on Reedsy's blog as I now have two years (104 stories total) that have been accepted by Reedsy.
- "Minor Chords" Meet Miles Whilmont who has been diagnosed with paranoia schizophrenia and is trying to deal with a world that is considered normal. He narrates his own story where his perspective is a bit skewed but is honest. Minor chords, despite its title, has little to do with music and more to do with how we tend to look at people with mental difficulties as someone who is minor and easily forgotten, but Miles is not a character who is easily forgotten.
- "Visitation" Let's enter the Widgett Family estate that has been haunted by a ghost who is trying to communicate to the living. While Rawlings is hoping he can sell the family estate, Zachary Chelton comes to the mansion to investigate the strange haunting. Mr. Chelton discovers that there are instances where the spirits of the dead are trying to communicate with the living.
- "Almost" Elias Grundle is waiting at the Almost desk and finds out he is deceased and worse he has neither been good enough for Heaven or bad enough for Hell. He will have to go back to the world he has just left and apologize to his old boss who has bumped him off. He makes the journey after trying to cut through the red tape. Raises the question, what happens to a person who is in Elias' place?
- "On the Island of Yesterday" Have you ever been on a ride at the amusement park where it takes a sudden turn with your body turned in one direction while you head remains in the same direction? Quenton Grundle is plucked from a deadly situation by Vincent Bouglia and taken to the island of yesterday. He goes back and finds himself in an unexpected situation. If I tell you anymore, I will give away the twisted endings and I do love twisted endings.
Hope you have had a good New Year's where you have good things happen in 2025. Let's not forget those who were taken from us in the past year. One final note: I did publish "Minor Chords" in my last blog and in publishing this edition, I kept it in the mix. If you haven't read it, now's your chance. Stay safe and may 2025 be your year!
Photo Credit: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=qNA64vDc&id=2AA99444AE3EE9754506E83735C87315E6BAB93B&thid=OIF.1trAhmnDEON5xLZHTot29A&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.istockphoto.com%2fid%2f2176076039%2fvideo%2f2025-happy-new-year-on-blue-starry-background-festive-design-for-new-years-eve-celebration.jpg%3fs%3d640x640%26k%3d20%26c%3d9hQ4JgBQInO_QJNl-sPRDWCYS41X2lfzVMIhy6C3QmY%3d&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.a8d03ae2f0dcc7a91f40bc609f659ee4%3frik%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=432&expw=768&q=new+years&simid=7033285739600&FORM=IRPRST&ck=D6DAC08669C310E379C4B6474E8B76F4&selectedIndex=11&itb=0